Per Sq.ft Rate for Residential Bungalow | Cost per sqft for Building | Rate per sqft for building |

Per Sq.ft Rate for Residential Bungalow | Per sqft cost for Building | per sqft cost for construction | Quotation for Building | cost per sqft for building | cost per sqft for house 

Date: 01/01/2022


    (Client Name)

    (Client Address)

    (Pin code)

    (Client Mobile Number)

Subject: Quotation/Estimate for Construction of Residential Bungalow.

Description QTY Unit Rate Amount
A Civil construction : Development of
New construction including all Civil
work, RCC work, masonary, Plaster,
Paint, Door, Window, vitrified flooring,
plumbing with Sanitary vessels and fittings, etc.
B Ground Floor Slab Area 600 Sq.ft 1100 6,60,000
C First Floor Slab Area 600 Sq.ft 1100 6,60,000
D Total Amount in Rs. 13,20,000


  • G.S.T will be charged 18% extra as per prevailing rates
  • Water and Electricity shall be provided by client free issue
  • Rates incl. Labour, Material & Technical supervision
  • Free space for Labour hutment and contractors equipment's shall be provided
  • 10%  Advance Payment along with Work order
  • Payment shall be made within 10 days on submission of bill
  • Slab Area Measure as per Actual site

For, Jigar Darbar

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