Technical Specification for T.M.T. Bar Reinforcement of Fe-415 (TMT Bars)
Providing & Fixing of I.S.I. mark T.M.T. Bar reinforcement of Fe-415/Fe-500 for RCC work including bending, binding and placing in position upto floor two level for all floors.
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing TMT Fe-415/Fe-500 Conforming to IS 1786 2008 reinforcement, bars (intention) of the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings and conforming to these Specifications or as approved by the Engineer in charge.
2.1. T.M.T Bars
Reinforcements shall be T.M.T Fe-415/Fe-500 steel bars. They may be un-coated or coated 'with epoxy or with approved protective coatings.
T.M.T bars reinforcement for R.C.C work shall conform to IS 1786 FE-415 and shall be of tested quality. It shall also comply with relevant part of IS 456-1966
All reinforcement shall be clean and free from dirt, paint, grease or oil, oil scale or loose or thick rust at the time of placing
All steel shall be procured form original producers no re-rolled steel shall be incorporated in the work
Only new steel shall be delivered to the site every bar shall be inspected before placing to its position and defective brittle or burnt bar shall be discarded cracked ends of bars shall be discarded
3.0. Pitch
Distance between bars shall be as specified in drawings and as directed by the Engineer in Charge. all bars shall be placed at an accurate distance from each other and shall be bind tightly to maintain the desired pitch Suitable means shall be provided for holding bars securely in position
4.0. Binding wire
Mild steel binding wire shall be of 1.63 mm or 1.22 mm (16 to 18 gauge diameter and shall conform IS 280-1972
The use of black wire will be permitted for binding reinforcement bars. It shall be free form free from dirt, paint, grease or oil, oil scale or loose or thick rust and any other undesirable coating which may prevent adhesion of cement mortar at the time of binding
Only new binding wire shall be delivered to the site all binding wire shall be inspected before binding to its position and defective brittle, rusted, used wire, shall be discarded
5.1. Un-coated reinforcing steel shall be protected from rusting or chloride contamination. Reinforcements shall be free from rust, mortar, loose mill scale, grease, oil or paints. This may be ensured either by using reinforcement fresh from the factory or thoroughly cleaning all reinforcement to remove rust using any suitable method such as sand blasting, mechanical wire brushing, etc. as directed by the Engineer. Reinforcements shall be stored on bricks, racks or platforms and above the ground in a clean and dry condition and shall be suitably marked to facilitate inspection and identification.
5.2. Portions of un-coated reinforcing steel and dowels projecting from concrete shall be protected within one week after initial placing of concrete with a brush coat of neat cement mixed with water to a consistency, of thick paint. This coating shall be removed by lightly tapping with a hammer or other tool not more than one week before placing of the adjacent pour of concrete. Coated reinforcing steel shall be protected against damage to the coating. If the coating on the bars is damaged during transportation or handling and cannot be repaired, the same shall be rejected.
6.0. Workmanship
6.1. The work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcement to the shape and dimensions shown as on the drawings or as directed by The Engineer in charge.
6.2. Reinforcing steel shall conform accurate to the dimensions given in the bar bending schedules shown on relevant drawing
Bar bend g schedule shall be furnished by the Contractor and got approved by the Engineer before start of work.
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the dimensions and shapes given in the approved Bar bending Schedules.
Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or directed by the Engineer using a proper bar bender operated by hand power to obtain the correct radius of bends and shape. Bars, shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will damage parent material or the coating bars bent during transport or handling shall, be straightened before being used on work and shall not be heated to facilitate straightening.
The reinforcement cage should generally be fabricated in the yard at ground level, and then shifted and placed in position. The reinforcement shall be placed strictly, in accordance with the drawings and shall be assembled in position, only when structure is otherwise ready for placing of concrete. Prolonged time gap, between assembling of reinforcements and casting of concrete, which may result in rust formation on the surface, shall not be permitted.
Reinforcement bars shall be placed accurately in position as shown on the drawings. The bars, crossing one another shall be tied together at every intersection with binding wire (annealed), conforming to IS:280 to make the skeleton of the reinforcement rigid such that the reinforcement does not get displaced during placing of concrete, or any other operation. The diameter of binding wire shall not be less than 1 mm.
Bars shall be kept in. position usually by the following methods:
In case of beam an slab construction, industrially produced polymer cover blocks of thickness equal to the specified cover shall be placed between the bars and formwork subject to satisfactory evidence that the polymer composition is not harmful to concrete and reinforcement. Cover blocks made of concrete may be permitted by the Engineer, provided they have the same strength and specification as those of the member.
In case of dowels for Columns and walls the vertical reinforcement shall be kept in position by means of timber templates with slots in them accurately or with cover blocks tied to the reinforcement Timber templates shall be removed after the concreting has progressed up to a level just below their location.
Layers of reinforcements shall be separated by spacer bars at approximately One meter intervals. The minimum diameter of spacer bars shall be 12 mm or: equal to maximum size of main reinforcement or maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is greater. Horizontal reinforcement shall not be, allowed to sag between supports.
Necessary stays, blocks, metal chairs, spacers, metal hangers. supporting wires etc, or other subsidiary, reinforcement shall be provided to fix the reinforcements firmly in its correct position.
Use of pebbles, broken stone, metal pipe, brick, mortar or wooden blocks etc as devices for positioning reinforcement shall not be permitted.
Bars coated with epoxy or any other approved protective coating shall be placed on supports that do not damage the coating. Supports shall be installed in a manner such that planes of weakness are not created in hardened concrete. The coated reinforcing steel shall be held in place by use of plastic or plastic coated binding wires especially manufactured for the purpose.
Placing and fixing of reinforcement shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before concrete is deposited.
9.0. Lapping
All reinforcement shall be furnished in full lengths as indicated on the drawing. No splicing of bars, except where shown on the drawing; will be permitted without approval of the Engineer. The lengths of the splice shall be as indicated on drawing or as approved by the Engineer. Where practicable, overlapping bars shall not touch each other, and shall be kept apart by 25 mm or 1 1 1/4 times the maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is greater. If this is not feasible, overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed steel binding wire, not less than 1 mm diameter and twisted tight in such a manner as to maintain minimum clear cover to the reinforcement from the concrete surface. Lapped splices shall be staggered or located at points, along the span where stresses are low.
10.0 Welding
Splicing by welding of reinforcement will be permitted only if detailed on the drawing or approved by the Engineer. Weld shall develop an ultimate strength equal to or greater than that of the bars connected.
While welding may be permitted for T.M.T reinforcing bars conforming to IS: 432, welding of deformed bars conforming to IS: 1786 shall in general be prohibited. Welding may be permitted in case of bars of other than S 240 grade including special. Welding grade of S 415 grade bars conforming to IS: 1786, for which necessary chemical analysis has been secured and the carbon equivalent (CE) calculated from the chemical composition using the formula:
CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mg + V + Ni + Cu
6 5 15
is 0.4 or less.
The method of welding shall conform to IS: 2751 and IS: 9417 and to any supplemental specifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer
Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or as directed by Engineer in charge using the proper bender tool, operated by hand or power to attain proper radius of bends. Bars shall not be bend or straightened in a manner that will injure the material. Bars bent during transport or handling shall be straightened before being used in the work. Bars shall not be heated to facilitate bending.
Unless otherwise specified a 'U' type hook at the end of each bar shall invariably be provided to main reinforcement. The radius of the bane shall not be less then twice the diameter of the round bar and the length of the straight part of the bar beyond the end of the curve shall be at least four times of the diameter of the round bar. In case of bars which are not round and in case of deformed bars, the diameter shall be taken as the diameter of circle having an equivalent effective area the hooks shall be suitably encased to prevent any spiting of the concrete.
All reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed in exact position shown on the drawings and shall be securely held in position during placing of concrete by annealed binding wire not less than 1 mm in size and by using say blocks or metal chairs spacers, metal hangers, supporting wires or other approved devices at sufficiently close intervals, Bars shall not be allowed to sag between supports not displaced during concreting or any other operations of the work All devices used for positioning shall be of not corrodible material wooden and metal supports shall not extended to the surface of the concrete, except where shown in drawings. Placing bars on layers of freshly laid concrete as the work progresses for adjusting bar spacing shall not be allowed. Pieces of broken stone or brick and wooden blocs shall not be used Layers of bars shall be separated by spacer bars pre-cast mortar blocks or other approved devices. Reinforcement after bending placed in position shall be maintained in a clean condition until completely embedded in concrete, Special care shall be exercised to prevent any displacement of reinforcement in concrete already placed. To prevent reinforcement form corrosion, concrete cover shall be provided as indicated on drawings. All bars protruding from concrete and to which other bars are to be sliced and which are likely to be exposed for a period exceeding 10 days shall be protected by a thick coat of neat cement grout
Bars crossing each other where required shall be secured by binding wire (annealed) of size not less than 1 mm in such a manner that they do not slip over at the time of fixing and concreting.
As far possible bars of full length shall be used In case this is not possible, overlapping of bars shall be done as directed by the Engineer in charge When practicable overlapping bars shall not touch each other, but be kept apart by 25 mm Where no feasible overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed wires not less than 1 mm thick twisted tight The overlaps shall be staggered for different bars and located at points along the span where neither sheer not bending moments is maximum.
Whenever indicated on drawing or desired the Engineer in charge bars shall be jointed by coupling which shall have a cross section sufficient to transmit the full stresses of bars The end of the bars that are joined by coupling shall be upset for sufficient length so that the effective cross section at the base of threads is not less than the normal cross section of the bar. Threads shall be standards threads Steel for coupling shall conform to IS 226.
When permitted or specified on the drawings joints of reinforcement bars shall butt-welded so as to transmit their full stresses Welded joints shall preferably be located at points when steel will not be subject to more than 75 percent of the maximum permissible stresses and welds so staggered that at any one section not more than 20 percent of the rods are welded Only electric are welding using a process which excludes air form the molten metal and conforms to any or other special provisions for the work shall be accepted Suitable means shall be provided for holding bars securely in position during welding It shall be ensured that no voids are left in welding and when welding is done in two or three stages previous surface shall be cleaned properly Ends of bars shall be cleaned of all loose scale rust stages paint and other foreign matter before welding Only competent welders shall be employed on the work. The M.S. electrodes used for welding shall conform IS 814 Welded pieces of reinforcement shall be tested. Specimen shall be taken form the actual site and their number shall frequency to test shall be as directed by the Engineer in charge
For the purpose of payment the bar shall be measured correct up to 10 mm length and weight payable works out at the rate specified below
Excess consumption over 5% will be charged at penal rate.
Reinforcement shall be measured in length excluding overlaps, No steel shall be given for lap but work may be carried out as per detailed drawings. Where welding or coupling is resorted to, in place lap joints, such joints shall be measured for payment as equivalent length of overlap as per design requirement. From the length so measured, the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in tones on the same basis of as per table given above even though steel is supplied to the contractor by the department on actual weight. Length shall include hooks at the ends. Wastage and annealed steel wire for binding shall not be measured and the cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rate for reinforcement.
The rate for reinforcement includes cost of steel binding wires, but excluding Lap Length its carting with all leads and lifts, cutting, bending, placing in position, binding and fixing in position as shown on the drawings and as directed. It shall also include all devices for keeping reinforcement in approved position, cost of joining as per approved method and all wastage and spacer bars.
The rate shall be for a unit of One Kg.

Ref: Road and Building Dept. Govt. of Gujarat, India
Civil Engineering